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Feedback Thoughts

 Hello again!

Today I will be talking about my thoughts on feedback and my thoughts on two articles I have read about feedback. I, personally like the idea of feedback, yes it may be scary sometimes but most of the time there is the feedback it would be constructive criticism. Constructive criticism helps improve ones work and potentially change the way one does their work again. There is a lot to learn from getting feedback and I feel if one gets feedback regularly they can know what level they are on and tweak their work before its too late and have to change it all or get a lower grade. When I look back on my many years of learning I can specifically remember a time where feedback was very positive to me. When I was in transition year we had to do a musical, I am an extremely shy person and had to so singing auditions. I was so nervous the first time I had to do the music audition. My first audition went extremely well and I was given great feedback. I wasn't as nervous on my next audition and I was more confident because of the good feedback. 

Two articles I have read were 'Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt' and 'Rewire your self-critical brain ' 

Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt

John spencer's article Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt stunned me. Even sitting here now I am thinking about things I have to do tomorrow and I feel like I want to start the week of great and crush self-doubt. John Spencer seemed to lose a lot of precious time with his creative work and regular life due to self-doubt. My favourite sentence of the whole article is "self-doubt can crush confidence". I hold this very close to my heart and remind myself every day to be more confident. it is very true, self-doubt 100% crushes confidence. I feel like John's article can relate to almost every person in one way or another. I wish I had found his article sooner because his seven ways to crush self-doubt are amazing. I have 3 favourite ways to crush self-doubt that John talks about. 

1.Stop comparing yourself to others. It doesn't matter what you may be comparing, just don't compare. One shouldn't want to be someone else but should want to be the best version of themselves. Everybody in the world is different, if we all started comparing ourselves to each other we would be the same and no one would stand out and be themselves. "When you compare yourself to others, your only options are arrogance or self-defeat".

2. Embrace a growth mindset. Growth mindset is the belief in learning through making mistakes. As my mam always told me since I've been a kid. "If you don't make mistakes, you will never learn from them." Everyone has different skills and standards. Simply, you get out what you put in. "Mistakes are the crap that makes growth possible. Think of it as creative fertiliser. It totally stinks, but it works."

3. Trust yourself. Trusting yourself is a very important element when attempting to crush self-doubt. Have faith in yourself. If you can't trust yourself, how do you expect anyone else to trust you? Self-trust leads to self-confidence.

 I love the way John Spencer talks very personal in his article as I feel it leaves me thinking about my own self-trust and confidence and how I may have grown or want to grow.

Mindset quote

 Link to article

Rewire your self critical brain 

I chose to read this article because it is very similar to John spencer's article. I also feel like the topic of being self-critical needs to be learned more. This article is all about promoting self-love and having self-respect for yourself that you take a step forward in self-care. I always find that most people now are very self-critical of themselves. It is almost like a new generation thought themselves how to be self-critical or others may push them into a state of feeling not good enough. In this article, there is mention of training the brain to not be as self-critical and the brain can still develop adulthood and can change bad or self-critical habits. This portrays some sort of hope for people struggling with being too self-critical. Overall I can massively relate to this article especially the part about being self-critical of bad food days while changing my eating habits. I used to be massively self-critical of myself when I would eat something not deemed as healthy. Now I either decide to treat myself without the guilt or decide not to have it in a case where criticism may bring me. I hope that if I ever encounter a self-critical moment again that I will think of the REBS. Short for 'Reality-based self-congratulation'. This is the start of self-repair of the brain.

WOW, I just realised that this article has just had a major effect on me... I've just posted a picture of myself on Instagram with a positive caption. I used to just criticise myself and never end up posting. Thanks, Joel Almeida, Your words were inspiring <3

Positive quote

Link to article

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