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Showing posts with the label week 5

Unity Tutorial 03

Hello!! In today's blog,  I will be sharing what I learned from Unity Tutorial 03. In this tutorial we got to add animals to our game, this was very exciting because I am basing my own game on dogs so it was really helpful to see my choice of dogs and how to add them to the prototype! I also learned how to stop the player and animals to not fall off the edge of the terrain and this will also help me in my future game. I also really need to learn how to somehow split the screen with the tutorial and my unity tab. That would be a lot easier than having to move the windows! I will be sure to learn how to do that for the next time! I have to admit, I found some of the tutorials hard because sometimes I can't get them to work. My code could be slightly off and it would hold up the production of the whole prototype. I will get there eventually! I never really look forward to doing the unity tutorials because the time length of them seem so daunting but I really enjoyed these tutorial...

Games MDA

 Hello!  In today's blog post, I will be expressing my thoughts and sharing notes about MDA and partially DDE. I've read two articles and watched one video mostly about MDA and some DDE. I read  MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research  by Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc, Robert Zubek and  Design, Dynamics, Experience (DDE)  by Wolfgang walk, Mark Barrett and Daniel Görlich. I also watched  Explaining the MDA Design Framework | Video Game Design  by a YouTube Chanel called 'The Last Bacon'. All three sources were amazing and described the MDA and DDE framework very well.  Today, I have learned that design methodology supports a designer by helping them determine the end result of their game. It will strengthen the iterative processes of developers, scholars and researchers. MDA stands for Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics which are all game elements. The MDA framework is supposed to represent the lens or view of the game fro...